r1 - 11 Oct 2004 - 16:53:26 - MorgenSagenYou are here: OSAF >  Journal Web  >  ContributorNotes > MorgenSagenNotes > MorgenSagen20041011

Schema Documentation Publishing

Goal: Generate HTML describing Chandler Schema. Preferably a headless, automated Chandler process running on a unix box, with recent schema updates pulled in via CVS.

Why headless? If you create an instance of a wx.App object, an X display is required. The work-around for this is to run Xvncserver and point the DISPLAY env var to it. At the moment, it's pretty hard to separate Application.py from wx. One possibility is to do this outside the Chandler.py + Application.py context and write a separate script just for this.

-- MorgenSagen - 11 Oct 2004

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