r3 - 30 Oct 2006 - 17:00:13 - PieterHartsookYou are here: OSAF >  Documentation Web  >  ScoobyBuildInstructions? > ScoobyWebappInstallation

Installing Scooby

Note: If you are installing Scooby into the Tomcat-bundled Cosmo distribution, then visit ScoobyAndCosmo for updates to this procedure.

Installing Scooby

1) Copy the scooby war file to your Tomcat installation

    ~/scooby-0.1$cp scooby.war $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/

2) Add the following XML snippet inside the relevant element in


    <Context path="/scooby" docBase="scooby-0.1.war"
      <Environment name="scooby/config" value="file:etc/scooby.properties"
                   type="java.lang.String" override="false"/>

3) Make sure that you have autoDeploy and deployOnStartup set to "false" in your


       <Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps" autoDeploy="false"

4) Create a directory to store your scooby configuration and data. Any place is

fine, but in this document we'll use "/usr/local/scooby/etc", which is the value in server.xml file.

If you want to another location you may, but you must change the value in the $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml

5) Copy the scooby.properties file to the configuration directory, and make

sure it is readable by tomcat.

    ~/scooby-0.1$cp etc/scooby.properties /usr/local/scooby/etc/
    ~/scooby-0.1$chown tomcat:tomcat /usr/local/scooby/etc/scooby.properties

6) Now update scooby.properties for your environment:


7) OPTIONAL: Scooby uses commons-logging for application level debug and error messages, so if you want to see those, you'll need to configure log4j or JDK logging or JULI or whatever your servlet container provides.

Running Scooby

1) Start your tomcat instance


2) Navigate to server in your browser:


3) Log in:

You will need to login using your account information your have registered on your cosmo server.

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