r6 - 09 Aug 2007 - 16:59:55 - TedLeungYou are here: OSAF >  Documentation Web  >  CosmoHome > ChandlerServerEndUserManual > CosmoWithScooby
Cosmo web server

Using Scooby With Cosmo

Scooby is a tool for viewing on the web calendars that you have published to Cosmo with other programs.

Creating Calendars

The first time you log into Scooby, it checks to see if you have any CalDAV calendars in your Cosmo home directory. If there are no calendars, Scooby creates one for you named "Scooby". The URL for this calendar will be something like http://localhost:8080/cosmo/home/bcm/Scooby/. If there are existing calendars in your home directory, Scooby automatically finds them and allows you to switch your view between them.

You cannot (yet, Scooby version 0.1) create new calendars.

Viewing Calendars

When you log into Scooby, it automatically finds all of the CalDAV calendars in your home directory and allows you to switch your view between them.

You cannot yet subscribe to webcal calendars in your home directory or any calendars outside of your home directory.


Future versions of Scooby will allow you to explicitly create new CalDAV calendars in your Cosmo home directory and will allow you to subscribe to webcal calendars in your home directory as well as webcal and CalDAV calendars of other users on the same Cosmo server and elsewhere in the world.

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