r7 - 20 Jul 2004 - 14:38:00 - DuckySherwoodYou are here: OSAF >  Journal Web  >  MeetingNotes > SmallMeetingNotes > CommunityGroupMeeting20040720

Community Working Group Meeting 20 July 2004

Action items from last meeting

  • Ted to start coordinating with working groups re PyCon goals.
  • Pieter and Ducky to work with the working groups to come up with a format and technology infrastructure for rolling up and archiving status reports. The NamedIncludeSections plugin allows multiple different INCLUDE sections, and would help a lot. Ducky asked Jürgen to install it.
    • Pieter or Ducky to talk to Katie about status reporting.
  • Pieter to handle moving CWG status reporting over to permalinked page.
  • Pieter to drive an OSCON presentation dry run on 15 July. done
  • Ducky and Pieter to work together to get the copyright notice at the bottom of all wiki pages and on the wiki registration form.
    • Ducky to write a script to create a list of email addresses of all the people who have contributed. done
    • Pieter to send a message to the dev list announcing our intention to change the copyright notice and giving them the opportunity to pull their contribution. draft written and commented on
    • Ducky and Pieter to talk to Jürgen about getting a permanent link for the contributor script. asked Jürgen; he said he'd do it.
  • Ducky to investigate gmane's challenge policy. backburner
  • Ducky to continue looking into VOIP and collaborative real-time editing, including for conferencing. backburner
  • Ducky to make link to inbound and outbound licensing information more prominent. done
  • Ducky to write up first pass of Community FAQ. backburner
  • Ducky to write and post meeting notes. done
  • Mitchell to put out a draft contributor license soon.
  • Mitchell to decide if she needs to put out a separate draft contributor license specifically for PyLucene.


Lisa's suggestions

Lisa made some suggestions for community things we could do:
  • a semi-regular open house
  • a physical bug bash (as well as virtual IRC based one - Aparna should run both, with our help)
  • a "small apps" week - where every body works on building a small parcel/app

We don't think that we're ready to start thinking about people doing small parcels -- the code just isn't ready for that yet.

We think that it might make sense to have an open house in conjunction with a bug-finding session at OSAF, maybe after Integration Point B and OSCON but before 0.4. We would want to have developers around to give feedback ("oh yeah, we know about that one already" or "yeah, please post that one") and possibly to fix in real time.

Creative Commons license

Ducky and Pieter are making progress. Mitchell to present the CCL thinking in front of Mitch soon, hopefully next week.

Pieter wondered if the mailing lists, Bugzilla, and CVS need content licenses. Mitchell will look at this later; first priority is cleaning up the license for the wiki and Web site.


Everything is looking good. Pieter has generated a second revision of the presentation; he's all done except for some pictures from John.

Consolidated status reporting

Ducky and Pieter are making good progress on this, but wanted to discuss how important it was to take snapshots of the status. The verdict was to get the "instantaneous" roll-up ready, then worry about snapshots later.

Action items for next meeting

  • Ted to start coordinating with working groups re PyCon goals.
  • Pieter and Ducky to work with the working groups to come up with a format and technology infrastructure for rolling up status reports.
    • Pieter or Ducky to talk to Katie about status reporting.
  • Pieter to handle moving CWG status reporting over to permalinked page.
  • Pieter to lead a second round of an OSCON presentation dry run on 22 July.
  • Ducky and Pieter to work together to get the copyright notice at the bottom of all wiki pages and on the wiki registration form.
    • Ducky and Pieter to follow up with Jürgen about getting a permanent link for the contributor script.
  • Ducky to investigate gmane's challenge policy.
  • Ducky to continue looking into VOIP and collaborative real-time editing, including for conferencing.
  • Ducky to write up first pass of Community FAQ.
  • Ducky to write and post meeting notes.
  • Mitchell to present the Creative Commons license rationale to Mitch.
  • Mitchell to put out a draft contributor license soon.
  • Mitchell to decide if she needs to put out a separate draft contributor license specifically for PyLucene.

-- DuckySherwood - 13 Jul 2004

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